The Husband Stitch

 The Husband Stitch is an alleged surgical procedure where one or more extra sutures are given to a woman's perineum after a vaginal birth. It is meant to make sex more pleasurable for a man because it is thought to decrease the size of the woman's vaginal opening. On the other hand, it's been reported to make sex very painful afterwards. This procedure is outdated and has no proven medical or health benefit. It has also been reported that because afterbirth women are not in a right state of mind, many times the husband will be asked instead, without the wife's consultation or knowledge. Healthline's article states, "For Stephanie Tillman, CNM, a certified nurse midwife at the University of Illinois at Chicago and blogger at The Feminist Midwife, the very idea of the husband stitch represents the persistent misogyny inherent in medical care."

The Husband Stitch Isn't Just a Horrifying Childbirth Myth
Learn More from Healthline's Article


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